Holy Name
From the 60's on many men that donated their time to coach sports teams. Camaraderie among the men and needs of the parish helped create this men's Holy Name group. Some men to remember that helped pave the way were John Wagenknecht. We honor John today by calling our yearly newsletter The Wags. Other great men that did so much in our parish and helped form and keep this group active is Charles Fleitz and Curt Vogel.
Mission Statement
Men of St. Catherine of Siena Parish with the grace of God pledge to devote their collective talents to support the needs of the parish and community.
Our main fund raising is the 7 Lenten Fish Fry Dinner's Lenten Calendar. We also hold a other food events like Polish or chicken dinners. The money is then used in various projects within the parish and community that benefit many.
Officers, Members and Meetings
Holy Name holds officer elections each year. Our current officer structure is to have a president, vice president and treasurer. Any man of the Parish is considered eligible and part of Holy Name. New members are always welcome. Just drop in to one of our meetings which are held the second Monday of every month at 7:00 pm in the St. Dominic Room September - May.
Current Officers
Deacon Tom Soper, Leo Manion, Jack Anderson and Bryan Blevins
Pictured below are a handful of active Holy Name Men
Newsletters -see below. Feel free to open one of our newsletters for a better insight to some of our members and past history.