Community Garden
What is happening: Gardening to educate, feed yourself or others as a ministry.
4555 N. Haven Parish field, at the end of Corbin Rd. Individuals beds, long rows for SVDP and other ministries, 6 fruit trees planted with more planned.
$20 for a 4 x 8 plot per year. Required due to Toledo Grows City Policy. Some plants are donated in the spring by Toledo Grows and others.
Information: For more information, call the parish Office 419-478-9558. Get involved, you will be glad you did. Call, and we can get you in touch with a representative.
Volunteer: Many volunteers help make the garden a great success. Watering, weeding, grass cutting, picking of food along with plowing are all excellent chores.
Plants: Most vegetables plants are just fine. Feel free to buy your own and get growing. 2300 pounds of food was donated in 2022. Over 6500 pounds of food donated in 2023.
Coming this year
Prayer garden with statue
Bulletin board with food area
Possible art mural
More fruit trees
More raised beds thanks to an Eagle Scout
Pergola area for shade with benches
Strawberry garden
Marigolds for pest control
More vegetable row to grow food
Garden area designated for disabled gardeners
Summer Events
More volunteers