Christian Service
Feed Your Neighbor: a city-wide program in which St. Catherine of Siena Parish participates. Items include food for St. Louis Helping Hands. Items can also include, bedding for St. Louis Helping Hands and hygiene products for either listed. Those in need of food can go to Augsburg church on Sylvania Ave or St. Louis Helping Hands. For food and other clothing donations at St. Catherine of Siena, contact the parish office for more information.
St. Louis Helping Hands: lunch team that helps serve food at St. Louis Helping Hands every 6 weeks. Contact the parish office or about joining one of the teams that help cook, deliver and serve food.
Technology: various activities to help maintain the parish technology needs. Can be new implementation or sustaining current operations for filming mass or maintaining social media sites like Facebook, Website or YouTube. Contact Mike Learned at the parish office to discuss this ministry.
Communications: Parish Pulse a quarterly newsletter. Articles of happenings in the St. Catherine of Siena parish. Information of life experiences past, present and future submitted by parishioners. Contact Mary Weiher at 419-476-1778. Articles can be submitted to . ministry of educational materials lead by the diocesan office and at St. Catherine of Siena Deacon Tom Soper. Small group discussions are held after watching videos on catholic content. For more details, see the page or contact Deacon Tom at
Funeral Lunch Program: at this time all luncheons must be catered and financed by the family of the deceased. Call the parish office to learn more and reserve space for a gathering.
Church Operations and Cleaning: parishioners that take care of all those church tasks like cleaning, decorations, watering plants, changing banners or arranging flowers. Call Terri Gailer 419-476-2512 or Eileen and Jim Johnston 419-478-2620. For cleaning of the mass books every six months contact Pat Taylor 419-478-8340.
St. Vincent DePaul Society: this group provides people within St. Catherine of Siena boundaries with food, clothing, used furniture and limited help with utilities, rent, prescriptions and medical equipment. Contact the parish office and then a member of the S.V.D.P Society will reach out in response. A fruit and vegetable garden is part of the summer growing season. Food is donated to Feed Your Neighbor ministry. Contact Mary Ann Dudderer at 419-481-0884 or Joan Stohl at 419-360-4717.
Community Concerns: a group of parishioners that do the yearly angel tree, put Thanksgiving, Easter or Christmas baskets together. Contact the parish office.
St. Catherine’s Health Ministry Program: volunteers, some with medical background who join together for the betterment of the physical, spiritual and emotional well-being of its’ parish and community. They offer blood pressure checks after some Sunday masses, visit or send cards to the sick or create prayer shawls. Other activities include Lunch-n-Learn where speakers come in and present information. They also organize blood drives at St. Catherine or St. Clement parishes. Contact Teri Andrews at 419-726-0557.
R.E.P. Religious Education Program and Teacher Ministry: for public school children in grades 1-6. Classes will begin in early September and are held on Sunday mornings from 9:00 am until 10:45 am at St. Clement. Contact Michael Salwiesz
R.C.I.A. Right of Christian Initiation for Adults, classes begin in September and end at the Easter Vigil. Meetings are held once per week. Contact Deacon Ron Plenzler at St. Clement parish 419-472-2111 or by email
Adult Education: program courses that cover the teaching of the Church. Registration is required. Programs run weeks in length and are usually held at St. Catherine of Siena facilities. For more information contact or Deacon Tom Soper at or either parish office.
Marian Society: women of the parish that hold various activities throughout the year like the boutique, bake sales, luncheons, movie nights which raise money for maintaining church needs. Contact Mary Weiher at 419-476-1778 for more information about joining the Marian Society.
Holy Name: a group of men in the parish that hold fund raising activities, assist in community needs and maintenance of the parish. Contact the parish office for more information about joining Holy Name.
Mass Ministries
Lector: a group of dedicated parishioners that perform the readings during mass and announcements at the end of mass. Contact the parish office for more information.
Ministers of Holy Communion: men and women that distribute holy communion during mass and in addition take it to the sick or home bound. Contact the parish office for more information. Contact the parish office 419-478-9558 for scheduling.
Altar Servers: children, teenagers and adults that perform the necessary duties needed before, during and after mass. Contact Terri Gailor at 419-367-2934.
Ushers: children, teenagers, women and men that assist with collections, communion, distribution of the bulletin and other services at mass times. Contact the parish office for more information.
Music: Mixed and Funeral Choir, Cantors, Chimers and other musicians. Contact Jim Reidy at the parish office.
Grounds Crew: people of all ages that love to help tend to the beautiful flowers and shrubs around the parish. Contact the parish office to help or join this team.
Cursillo: Contact Chris Powers or Kathy Huffman at the office 419-478-9558. Visit for more information.